Our April 2021 Newsletter announces a new adventure for us: Skydancer Day, building on the success of Hen Harrier Day Online in August last year. It will be hosted by Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin on 9 May, at 10.15 am and last about 90 minutes. It will mainly celebrate spring in the uplands (with some great video footage) but will not shirk the problems of raptor persecution, the other ills of the uplands and the need for urgent reform. The newsletter also introduces the new Hen Harrier Species Champion in Westminster, Olivia Blake MP. There’s a well-informed article from her and another from one of our supporters, Nick Wilson-Smith, about grip-blocking and peatland restoration. A brief news update inclues the sad loss of Tarras (pictured) tagged on Langholm Moor last year and ‘missing’ near grouse moors since February.