Submit Your Bid for a Chance to Own This Original Male Hen Harrier Artwork

Male Hen Harrier Painted by Ian Brown

Painted in acrylics and measuring 59cm by 49cm, this spectacular painting has been generously donated by Ian Brown and his grandson Eddie to raise funds for Hen Harrier Action via an online auction. The auction will be launched by Megan McCubbin and Indy Kiemel Greene on Skydancer Day, Sunday 7th May.

All you need to do for your chance to own this unique and original artwork is to submit your bid by email to by midnight on Wednesday 31st May.

We will update this page on a regular basis to tell you the current highest bidder (bid and town or region only, no name details), and you are welcome to submit additional bids throughout May. On the 1st June we will inform the winning bidder, and arrange secure transport for the painting.


Current Highest Bid

  • Highest Bid Received So Far:                    £70
  • Bidder’s Region:                                          Northern Ireland

About the artist:

Ian Brown is a retired former ship’s captain and merchant seaman. Asked by his grandson Eddie to provide a painting to accompany Eddie’s poignant song about Hen Harrier persecution – Skydancing – Ian produced this stunning portrait of a glorious male Hen Harrier in flight in a cloudless blue sky. Astounded by his grandfather’s accomplished artwork, Eddie persuaded Ian to allow the painting to be auctioned to raise funds for Hen Harrier Action.

Submitting your bid:

Simply email your bid to by midnight on the 31st May, stating the amount you are bidding, your full name and town or region. If you are the successful winning bid, we will contact you by email to obtain your full address details and arrange for secure transport.